William Arendell, LCSW

There is help!

Do you have trouble with Feeling Overwhelmed or Not Having Enough Energy?

Do you Repeatedly Lose ThingsProcrastinate or have Trouble Concentrating?   

Do you have Trouble Sleeping

If you think you have issues with the following, click the link for more information: Depression, ADHD?

A Major Depression is marked by a combination of symptoms that occur together, and last for at least two weeks without significant improvement.  Symptoms from at least five of the following categories must be present for a major depression, although even a few of the symptom clusters are indicators of a depression.

·         Persistent depressed, sad, anxious, or empty mood

·         Feeling worthless, helpless, or experiencing excessive or inappropriate guilt

·         Hopeless about the future, excessive pessimistic feelings

·         Loss of interest and pleasure in your usual activities

·         Decreased energy and chronic fatigue

·         Loss of memory, difficulty making decisions or concentrating

·         Irritability or restlessness or agitation

·         Sleep disturbances, either difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much

·         Loss of appetite and interest in food, or overeating, with weight gain

·         Recurring thoughts of death, or suicidal thoughts or actions

This list is a guide to help you understand depression and to diagnose yourself.  If you have some of these symptoms, don't focus on how many symptoms you have.  Instead, talk to William Arendell or another qualified mental health professional. 



Arenhealth LLC.           The offices of William Arendell, LCSW           We Can Help!           504.358.0377